How did it all start?Christianity rose about 2100 years ago in Judea mountains, Jesus the Lord and His loyal crowd of followers. During this time, The Caesar of Rome was the leader. The at that time Jews disliked the Roman government. The Idolatrous cultural beliefs of Rome were also atheistic and interfered with Jewish life. […]
Personal spiritual freedom and how to get it back What is inner spiritual freedom? I do not mean not being in prison. Neither do I mean slavery in the 300 B.C understanding of slavery. One day I came to understand that the majority of people in the world, including myself, are not free. My goal […]
David was a young shepherd, who was well known for being a musician. He would later become one of the greatest men in history by defeating the enemy champion Goliath. Throughout the Bible, King David is considered to be the greatest and most ideal king that Israel has ever had. He is often presented as […]
In times of trouble, a little extra reminder of God’s love can help people weather the storm. Inspirational photo frames keep the recipient connected to the loved ones pictured, and to God with a quick scripture quote. These are great pieces to add to a work desk or bedside table to keep close at hand. […]
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!” BEHOLD YOUR HOUSE IS LEFT UNTO YOU DESOLATE! These words of Jesus found in Matthew 23:38 are […]
La personne la plus unique Jésus-Christ est souvent comparé à d’autres prophètes et enseignants, mais Il est la plus unique personne de tous les temps. Tout, depuis Sa naissance jusqu’à Sa mort fut miraculeux et fit de Jésus cet homme unique. Jesus est né d’une vierge –une impossibilité naturelle. Avant le mariage de Sa mère […]
The most important thing we do as Christians is that we help people come to know Jesus Christ as the forgiver of their sins and the leader of their lives. Jesus himself called this being “born again”. The Bible teaches that taking this step is the only way to make it into heaven. In fact, […]
The Prayer “The world family that prays together, stays together.” Take some time out from “surfing” and pray. Write your prayer and send it off to heaven and share it with us here on earth. The Salvation Garden belongs to you. It belongs to everyone. If you need someone to pray for you, you […]
Carrying around resentment, anger, and hate is bad for our own emotional and spiritual well being. To forgive is to lift a weight from ourselves and someone else. It is also a necessary tool for successful relationships and general life happiness. Most of us have moments of blind stubbornness and all we can feel is […]
The use of the physical cross emerged gradually among Christians. It is, of course, a sign and symbol of Christianity, with most people using it as a reminder that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Historians note that the sign of the cross for protection and baptism was used very early and that […]
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