The ABC and the History of Christianity 

How did it all start?
Christianity rose about 2100 years ago in Judea mountains, Jesus the Lord and His loyal crowd of followers. During this time, The Caesar of Rome was the leader. The at that time Jews disliked the Roman government. The Idolatrous cultural beliefs of Rome were also atheistic and interfered with Jewish life.
Some Jews recognized that their only faith was to adapt to this change. Others became orthodox followers who created pockets of guerilla fight against Rome ruler. However, others reversed themselves into the Judean desert to study Jewish Torah and ready for the eventual arrival of their promised Messiah
However, others reversed themselves into the Judean desert to study Jewish Torah and ready for the eventual arrival of their promised Messiah.
ABC of Christianity With this social and religious background, the story of Jesus started. Jesus as a Jew. Witnessed the Jewish religion and was fully informed with the Jewish Constitution. In time he becomes 30 years old, Jesus Trudged from city to city, Preached a sermon in the synagogues and curing those who were Sick. Jesus Christ inquired the well known religious authorities to regret from their sins and hypocrisy and to admit the Kingdom of God is sourced with love. Jesus’ preaching inflamed the spirits of people and created Chaos. Shortly, a devoted group of people starts to obey Jesus Christ and call him a guide.

Jesus informed His followers about the new testament and how” God will lead to humanity through Him. Jesus illustrates how understanding is connected with the suffering and nothingness of our life as a result of our sin. And because of Adam and Ave sin, all humanity lost its home with God. The purpose of this “new testament ” is to restore those who admit it into forgiveness and mercy from God. And how come God will forgive all sins..

Jesus informed His followers about the new testament and how” God will lead to humanity through Him. Jesus illustrates how understanding is connected with the suffering and nothingness of our life as a result of our sin. And because of Adam and Ave sin, all humanity lost its home with God. The purpose of this “new testament ” is to restore those who admit it into forgiveness and mercy from God. And how come God will forgive all sins..

Jesus’ preaching inflamed the spirits of people and created Chaos. Shortly, a devoted group of people starts to obey Jesus Christ and call him a guide. Jesus informed His followers about the new testament and how” God will lead to humanity through Him. Jesus illustrates how understanding is connected with the suffering and nothingness of our life as a result of our sin. And because of Adam and Ave sin, all humanity lost its home with God. The purpose of this “new testament ” is to restore those who admit it into forgiveness and mercy from God. And how come God will forgive all sins..
Jesus’ preaching inflamed the spirits of people and created Chaos. Shortly, a devoted group of people starts to obey Jesus Christ and call him a guide. Jesus informed His followers about the new testament and how” God will lead to humanity through Him. Jesus illustrates how understanding is connected with the suffering and nothingness of our life as a result of our sin. And because of Adam and Ave sin, all humanity lost its home with God. The purpose of this “new testament ” is to restore those who admit it into forgiveness and mercy from God. And how come God will forgive all sins..
Jesus’ preaching inflamed the spirits of people and created Chaos. Shortly, a devoted group of people starts to obey Jesus Christ and call him a guide. Jesus informed His followers about the new testament and how” God will lead to humanity through Him. Jesus illustrates how understanding is connected with the suffering and nothingness of our life as a result of our sin. And because of Adam and Ave sin, all humanity lost its home with God. The purpose of this “new testament ” is to restore those who admit it into forgiveness and mercy from God. And how come God will forgive all sins..
Jesus informed His followers about the new testament and how” God will lead to humanity through Him. Jesus illustrates how understanding is connected with the suffering and nothingness of our life as a result of our sin. And because of Adam and Ave sin, all humanity lost its home with God. The purpose of this “new testament ” is to restore those who admit it into forgiveness and mercy from God. And how come God will forgive all sins..

The purpose of this “new testament ” is to restore those who admit it into forgiveness and mercy from God. And how come God will forgive all sins.. its because Jesus Christ would pay for the everyone’ sins by being crucified cruelly on a Roman soldier’s cross.Three days after he crucified, He would Be resurrected from the dead, to give salvation to the world.